All posts tagged motivational

Motivational Speaker adds a different perspective to the Mental Health debate

Barry Shainbaum was a special guest in our class.  He added a unique perspective on many mental health issues, including shock therapy. He was truly inspirational and has gained a...

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What is Success?

I had two very successful book signings last weekend. It made me think how I define success. “What is successful?” “What are my goals?” My goal is “education” to let as many...

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Amica Book Review

The Amica Book Review was an event including a lecture and book signing but the audience was very special to me. All are presently attending my classes. I usually do psychological movie...

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Common Sense is UnCommon: Helping You Live Up to Your Potential

  Finally after years of thought and contemplation, I would like to announce that I have given birth… my new baby….my new book…..Common Sense is UnCommon. This book is to...

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