As an adult educator I am in my glory!!!
All my Psychology Classes in the community are filled and I am encountering all the age groups. Having to combine Education and Entertainment has been a wonderful challenge. No one learns when they are bored!!! I am astounded that so many of my students come from so very far away (in Toronto).
The Career Paths program is one of the best self assessment programs offered anywhere. I see twenty people almost every Monday, who are truly down and then I see twenty people leave empowered by their own potential on Friday afternoon. It is such a pleasure to be part of this wonderful process.
The feedback has been incredible.
I would like to congratulate Martha Alvarez on her beautiful paintings. The art show that I have attended have been spectacular in every way!!!!
This week the Mackenzie Girls got together (thanks to Judy, we get together monthly). Our dinners together are fun. I feel sharing our time together has become very important. WE share news about everything and everyone and all in a positive way.
The topic this week in class was the INK BLOT testing and everyone enjoyed the process of actually taking the test and analyzing it from different perspectives.
I also gave three lectures in the community this month and the topics were very well received. The Toronto Police Mobilization Unit, Psychology of Crime and a book review of The Last Lecture were the topics covered.
It has been a very busy week and the feedback has been wonderful.
I will be volunteering, once again, on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day for the “Out of the Cold Program” feeding the homeless. If anyone would like to join me please let me know. Last year we had a great time.