Hello everyone,
I hope you are remembering how horrible our winter has been…so let’s appreciate this wonderful weather!!!!! As long as it is not snowing, I am fine.
Happy Canada Day.
What a privilege to be here in Canada!!!
It has been a real adventure for me the last few months in terms of my contract with the Toronto School Board. Toronto is the key word!!!
When I was to be interviewed for this contract I thought I heard…Yonge and Davisville….not Yonge and Davis!!!!! WEll.. I must confess that I am now a regular in Newmarket, and I have actually done work in Brandford!!!!!
TDSB in York Region…interesting paradox!!
I must admit that I have met exceptionally nice people in my new position of Career Counsellor/facilitator.
It is a privilege to be here. I think the Career Paths Program offered in York Region is the best program of its kind in Ontario.
Secondly, my lecture series with Amica (Bayview and Sheppard) truly inspires me to be the best I can be every single day. The Seniors that attend the lectures are enthusiastic, smart and very articulate. They provide the Reality Factor for all of the Psychological Theories which I present.
Well here is the update some of you were asking about..thank you for caring enough to ask…I am truly humbled.
Thanks for the feedback.