I asked all of you at the conference yesterday what you wanted this blog to be… so here goes.
Pop Culture update from my perspective.

Tonight on OWN http://www.tonyrobbins.com/tony-robbins-on-oprahs-next-chapter

You’ll see Oprah conquer her fear and do the famous fire walk at an Unleash the Power Within Conference.
This was a life changer for me too!!! Yes, I actually met and was on stage with my mentor, Anthony Robbins, the best peak performance specialist in the world. I had to pinch myself hour after hour…..he actually has endless energy, passion and sincerity. He loves what he does and does what he says. I could not believe his genuine love for education. I was so very skeptical at first……..yes, I stepped out of my comfort zone (as I ,constantly, ask all of you to do)!

I volunteered for the Power Within organization, in Toronto, to be part of the Anthony Robins Team.  He is an incredible source of inspiration, and his methods have improved the quality of my life. Tony tapped into my soul and helped me see my life’s work more clearly.

Anthony Robbins communicates brilliantly and uses creative and psychological tools to engage people in personal transformation. This to me is “Psychology” at its best, he offers a positive, energetic, optimistic, and sensible way to live, learn, and transform. He is an observer of what works and then teaches these vital life skills.  This is my life’s goal.  As a teacher and mentor there is no one better than Tony Robbins.

 Being part of his team for a week was a dream come true, working with him would be heaven.

Please watch Oprah’s face as she accomplishes the fire walk. Her reaction was exactly as mine was. That is an “AHA” moment.

Today, as most of my students know, I carry a small bag, which looks like a flame, to remind me that if I can walk on fire, I can do anything.