All posts in Common Sense is UnCommon

Highlights from Book Signings

As a first time author you need to bring a pen, glasses, comfortable shoes and a sense of humour. I learned that you have to keep it simple. The reality...

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Canada Loves New York

On September 30 2001, I was part of the event, Canada Loves New York. We, as Canadians, felt that our nation mourned with Americans for the victims of the terrorist...

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Turning Disappointment into Joy

It is fall and whether I am teaching my psychology classes, facilitating the Career Exploration Workshops or motivating seniors, I am passionate about being an adult educator. The theory is that...

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What is Success?

I had two very successful book signings last weekend. It made me think how I define success. “What is successful?” “What are my goals?” My goal is “education” to let as many...

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Amica Book Review

The Amica Book Review was an event including a lecture and book signing but the audience was very special to me. All are presently attending my classes. I usually do psychological movie...

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My First Book Signing

This was my very first book signing and I did not know what to expect. I chose to have fun, be in the moment and learn all I could! The...

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My Life and Psychology

I have a Bachelor of arts degree (undergrad degree) in Psychology with an adult education specialty. I have further certification to administer: The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (both at the...

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Why I wrote Common Sense is UnCommon.

Writing a book has been on my bucket list for many years but what finally triggered the process was a simple e-mail from Paul Berton, the son of the late...

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