All posts tagged positive thinking

Out of the Cold Program

Happy New Year. Volunteering for the “Out of The Cold Program” has always renewed my positiveness towards mankind, but especially this year. This year I had the privilege of participating...

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Turning Disappointment into Joy

It is fall and whether I am teaching my psychology classes, facilitating the Career Exploration Workshops or motivating seniors, I am passionate about being an adult educator. The theory is that...

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What is Success?

I had two very successful book signings last weekend. It made me think how I define success. “What is successful?” “What are my goals?” My goal is “education” to let as many...

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Amica Book Review

The Amica Book Review was an event including a lecture and book signing but the audience was very special to me. All are presently attending my classes. I usually do psychological movie...

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My First Book Signing

This was my very first book signing and I did not know what to expect. I chose to have fun, be in the moment and learn all I could! The...

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My Life and Psychology

I have a Bachelor of arts degree (undergrad degree) in Psychology with an adult education specialty. I have further certification to administer: The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (both at the...

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Why I wrote Common Sense is UnCommon.

Writing a book has been on my bucket list for many years but what finally triggered the process was a simple e-mail from Paul Berton, the son of the late...

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